Dr. David Boomsma
BScFor (Hons), PhD
Chairman of the board
David has a distinguished career in plantation management, silviculture and research. His major research interests lie in forests soils and forest tree nutrition as well as forest tree improvement. He has an extensive publication record in the areas of forest soil science, tree breeding and deployment.
He has significant experience in seed orchard management and nursery production of both seedlings and cuttings. He has some first-hand experience of pine plantation management in New Zealand, south-eastern United States as well as China and Chile.
He worked for ForestrySA for 27 years as a research forester including 10 years as the executive officer for the Southern Tree Breeding Association (STBA). He was Chief Executive Officer of the STBA for a further 10 years before establishing seedEnergy.
He worked for ForestrySA for 27 years as a research forester including 10 years as the executive officer for the Southern Tree Breeding Association (STBA). He was Chief Executive Officer of the STBA for a further 10 years before establishing seedEnergy.
Barry Vaughan
General Manager
Barry joined seedEnergy in 2016, overseeing the commercial activities of the company. He brings extensive international experience, from managing the South American forestry investments of the prestigious TIMO, GMO Renewable Resources. In addition, Barry has 10-years of plantation experience in New Zealand and Argentina with Fletcher Challenge, including managing the companies seed and treestock sales and performed an integral role in the company’s South American Eucalyptus program. He has held the position of Regional Manager with VicForests, and Business Development Manager for the same enterprise.
Barry holds a B.Sc(Forestry) from the Australian National University, an MBA from Waikato University New Zealand and a Graduate Diploma of Bioenergy from Linnaeus University in Sweden.
Barry holds a B.Sc(Forestry) from the Australian National University, an MBA from Waikato University New Zealand and a Graduate Diploma of Bioenergy from Linnaeus University in Sweden.
Peter Gore
Eucalyptus specialist
Peter has 25+ years of experience in the breeding and seed production of Eucalypt species. He was manager of the Southern Tree Breeding Association's (STBA) Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens breeding programs for five years before applying his expertise to managing their Eucalypt Seed Production Program.
He has a strong interest in Eucalypt genetics, breeding and seed production strategy and a profound knowledge of the intricacies of Eucalypt reproductive biology and pollination techniques. Since 2008, his main focus has been on the genetic improvement of Eucalyptus dunnii.
He designed and implemented the E. globulus Mass Supplementary Pollination (MSP) seed production system. Located just south of Hobart he maintains close linkages with research scientists and students within the University of Tasmania. He has publications on breeding and seed production strategies, Eucalypt genetics, reproductive biology and quality control in seed production systems.
He has a strong interest in Eucalypt genetics, breeding and seed production strategy and a profound knowledge of the intricacies of Eucalypt reproductive biology and pollination techniques. Since 2008, his main focus has been on the genetic improvement of Eucalyptus dunnii.
He designed and implemented the E. globulus Mass Supplementary Pollination (MSP) seed production system. Located just south of Hobart he maintains close linkages with research scientists and students within the University of Tasmania. He has publications on breeding and seed production strategies, Eucalypt genetics, reproductive biology and quality control in seed production systems.
ANdrew Cameron
Pine Specialist
Andy has over 30 years of experience in all aspects of silvicultural and saw milling research for Radiata Pine. For 18 years seed orchard management and breeding operations for this key species were the focus of his work with ForestrySA in the southeast of South Australia. His expertise was used in research project management and seed production.
He worked for STBA for 6 years as Pine Seed Production Manager and Breeding Trial Manager before joining seedEnergy.
He worked for STBA for 6 years as Pine Seed Production Manager and Breeding Trial Manager before joining seedEnergy.
Dr. Michael Bird
BSc (Hons), PhD
Quantitative Geneticist
Michael joined seedEnergy in 2014, managing the Eucalyptus harvests in Tasmania before undertaking a large controlled-pollination project in Eucalyptus dunnii, this evolved into a PhD with the University of Queensland in Quantitative genetics.
He specialises in genetic improvement, data analysis, trial assessment, controlled pollination, and seed orchard genetics.
Michael currently manages the E. dunnii, E. benthamii and Pinus radiata programs.
Steve Smith
BAg (Hons), BEnvSc
Tree Improvement Manager
Craig Marsh
Production Manager